
Gotye - Easy Way Out

Film clip for the Gotye song Easy Way Out, from the album Making Mirrors
Buy Making Mirrors here


Easy Way Out lyrics

Seventeen seconds and I'm over it
Ready for the disconnect
Putting on a brave face
Trying not to listen
to the voices in the back of my head

(But it's alright now)
It's a distant memory baby
(It's alright now)
You know you should just let it go

But some feelings have a habit of persisting
even though you wouldn't let it show

Wearing me out
(All this)
Hanging around
(It just starts)
Getting me down
('till I'm just)
Looking for an easy way out

Braindead from boredom
I'm led to distraction
Scratching the surface of life
Nothing really happens
But it's easy to keep busy
When you tell yourself you're traveling right

(But it's alright now)
Was it really worth it baby?
(It's alright now)
Was it just a waste of time?

Keep on second-guessing
Use my memory like a weapon
On everything I try

Video credits:

Directed By Darcy Prendergast

Directors of Photography
Andrew Goldsmith & Jeremy Blode

VFX Director
Andrew Goldsmith

Darcy Prendergast
Seamus Spilsbury

Assistant Animators
Josh Thomas
Jeremy Blode
Michael Greaney
Sam Lewis
Andrew Goldsmith

Paige Prendergast

Shelley Farthing-Dawe
Andrew Goldsmith
Jeremy Blode

Motion Control
Glenn Anderson

Art Direction
Darcy Prendergast

Editor & Colourist
Andrew Goldsmith

Andrew Goldsmith
Josh Thomas

Ben Matthews

Model Makers
Michael Greaney
Josh Thomas
Benjamin Aguesse

Set Builders
Seamus Spillsbury
David Pennay
Cody Sevedge
Benjamin Aguesse
Wes Starr
Jeremy Blode

Production Manager
Nicky Pastore

Cardboard Flame Painters
Fiona Dalwood
Shaun Stares
Nora Juncker
Giulia Sandri
James Bailey

Music credits:

Produced by Wally De Backer
Mixing and additional production by Francois Tetaz,
assisted by Andy Stewart and Wally at
The Mill, Gippsland, VIC

Bass guitar: Lucas Taranto
Drums, percussion, guitar and orchestra samples,
lead and backing vocals: Wally

Contains samples from Echoette as performed by Buddy Merrill. Licensed courtesy of Accent Records

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  27-02-2012   Опубликовал: catsmob,   Просмотров: 4970  


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